Words related to category: Ts-Q1 Fighting Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
baguulk attack | baguults'a attack | dal fight | diiltk pay backf/ight back | duulgit battle | gitwaaltk warrior/attack something | g̱a̱nłaan armour/police dogs | hadal weapon | haḵ'a̱yaan club | ha'lidel battleground/issue | ha'li'wilduulgit battlefield | hang̱oot treat cruelly | ha'wilaa'wa̱ weapon | la̱baalxk hate | liblt= against | liblt waalt against | liblt waaltk enemy | ligi'alx leave in anger | luḵ'a̱x die (of people)/dead people dying | naba̱xt wrestle | nawaalt fight | sg̱a̱nhakwdak bow | txa̱lbilaansk money belt/sidearm | wilduulgyit war | xgyet kill with witchcraft/cannibal |